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World Wide Web Proper | |
neocities.org | World Wide Web Revival WebHost - hosts your proper website. |
gifcities.org | Search engine for Geocities GIFs. |
melonland.net/surf-club | 800+ curated, new World Wide Web revival websites. |
theoldnet.com | A curated archive of old Websites |
webdesignmuseum.org | Over 2,000 carefully selected web sites that show web design trends between 1991 and 2006. |
websitesfromhell.net | websites from hell heaven. |
cameronsworld.net | Cameron's World - Epic 90s World Wide Web collage. |
~lfe/selfhtml61/selfhtml.htm | 1997 HTML reference (German). |
archive.org/web/ | Wayback Machine - Explore more than 411 billion web pages saved over time |
Vintage Computing | |
archive.org/details/computermagazines | Computer Magazines on Archive.org |
museum.ipsj.or.jp/en/ | IPSJ - Virtual Museum about historical Japanese Computers. |
john.ccac.rwth-aachen.de:8000/alf/ | Alfred Arnold's Computer Collection. |
dooki.com/supercomputers/ | Vintage website with vintage image files of vintage supercomputers. |
toto.lib.unca.edu/ [...] NCDC_interior.htm | Early Views of the Grove Arcade while occupied by National Climatic Data Center. |
new-npac.org/ [...] crayri.html | Cray Research Inc. related website. |
4dos.info/dprogs.htm | Old DOS programs. |
worldradiohistory.com/Byte_Magazine.htm | Byte Magazine Archive. |
www.vintage-computer.com | Erik S. Klein's Vintage Computer Collection. |
vt100.net | Site dedicated to Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) video terminals. |
www.cryptomuseum.com | Cipher machines, spy radio sets, intercept receivers, espionage-related items. |
winworldpc.com | Vintage Software Archive. |
dosprograms.info.tt | Interesting DOS programs - An archive of DOS programs. |
fornaxvoid.com/vcsb/ | The Design of Vintage Computer Product Print Works. |
Graphics | |
pulkomandy.tk/projects/GrafX2/ | Grafx2 - Hommage to Deluxe Paint for modern operating Systems. |
www.stef.be/dpaint/ | Web based Deluxe Paint (JS). |
3dconstructionkit.co.uk | 3D Construction Kit - Utility for creating 3D worlds in Freescape (DOS). |
askapache.com/online-tools/figlet-ascii/ | Great ASCII Figlet Generator (web). |
manytools.org/hacker-tools/convert-image-to-ansi-art | Convert Images to Ansi-art (web). |
laemeur.sdf.org/D8K/ | D8K/Dot-Matrix Print Simulator (web). |
textures.neocities.org | Texture Town - Texture Collection. |
win98icons.alexmeub.com | Windows 98 Icon Viewer. |
computergraphmuseum.free.fr | The Computer Graphics Museum. |
skins.webamp.org | Winamp Skin Museum - 65k Winamp skins with interactive preview. |
fornaxvoid.com/colorpalettes/ | Collection of 8-bit color palettes. |
Forums | |
www.pouet.net | Your online demoscene resource. |
chipmusic.org/forums/ | An online community in respect and relation to chip music, art and its parallels. |
forum.melonland.net | World Wide Web Revival Forum. |
Fonts | |
int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts/ | Text mode, system and BIOS fonts from DOS-era IBM PCs and compatibles. |
dev.null.org/fonts/ | Mode Seven - free type face based on the Teletext bitmap font. |
dafont.com/nouveau-ibm.font | TTF and Unicode version of the IBM PC font. |
github.com/svofski/glasstty | GlassTTY VT220 TrueType font by Viacheslav Slavinsky. |
objkt.com/profile/micasso/ | MonoMEK v1.1 - pixel-based monotype OTF font by Michael Alexander (MEK.txt) |
Music Creation | |
milkytracker.titandemo.org | MilkyTracker - Great tracker for Linux, OSX, Windows and AmigaOS 4. |
nurykabe.com/dump/docs/PSS/ | Yamaha PSS series list with sound demos. |
www.buchty.net/ensoniq/ | SQ8L: VST plugin emulating the Ensoniq SQ-80. |
modarchive.org | The world's largest collections of music modules (est 1996). |
www.emxp.net | Image software for misc E-MU gear and Akai S1000. |
Artist Websites | |
fornaxvoid.com | Fornax Void - Music and Visual art for the cyberspace and beyond. |
joerghurschler.com | Joerg Hurschler - Cyberspace Art. |
loom.cafe | Daniel Murray - Irish artist and computer scientist. |
TradScape | TradScape Art |
doyouwanttofeelsomething.com | "Do you want to feel something?" by sgt_slaughtermelon |
pembroke.neocities.org | Percival Pemproke's website |
legowelt.org | Legowelt's Official Website |
iasos.com | Iasos - The Realms of Celestial Music |
spamm.fr | Super Art Modern Museum |
sandysmith.co.uk | Sandy Smith - Computer Artworks |
Bandcamp | |
fornaxvoid.bandcamp.com | Fornax Void - Music and Visual art for the cyberspace and beyond. |
vill4in.bandcamp.com | Underground dreampunk / ambient / vaporwave music label |
noproblematapes.bandcamp.com | Dreampunk / ambient / vaporwave tape label (est. 2013) |
percivalpembroke.bandcamp.com | Percival Pembroke |
nodeathnodeath.bandcamp.com | No Death |
legowelt.bandcamp.com | Legowelt |
![]() ![]() ![]() BACK IN STOCK ON BANDCAMP ![]() |
Games / Gaming | |
www.doshaven.eu | DOS Haven: 21st Century DOS games |
scummvm.org/games/#dreamweb | DreamWeb (Freeware) |
scummvm.org/games/#sky | Beneath a Steel Sky (Freeware) |
https://www.moddb.com/mods/ashes-2063 | Ashes 2063 Doom II Mod |
mobygames.com | Video / Computer Game Catalogue |
Dev | |
doshaven.eu/programming-tools/ | DOS Haven Tools - Game creation and programming tools for DOS. |
dos.gamebub.com/cpp.php | Exmaples of C++ graphics in MS-DOS. |
twilightedge.com/mac/redoomed/ | DoomEd Mac/Linux/BSD port, id’s original 1993 NeXTSTEP Doom map editor. |
www.petesqbsite.com | Pete’s QBasic / QuickBasic Site (est. 1998). |
RPG / Tabletop | |
www.candlekeep.com | Forgotten Realms D&D website (est. 1999). |
mordor.ch | Swiss-German Fantasy / SciFi web association (est 1996). |
Webzines / Zines | |
legowelt.org/cyberzine/ | Shadow Wolf Cyberzine |
zine.bitfellas.org | ZINE about the demoscene, digital arts and related topics by Brainstorm and BitFellas. |
issuu.com/privatesuitemag | Private Suite Vaporwave Zine |
Webshops | |
mandarake.co.jp | Mandrake Anime collectables webshop. |
www.serdashop.com | Belgian Retro Computing Electronics Shop. |
amigastore.eu | Amiga store based in Spain, since 1999. |
![]() Find us on the necrotic web: | |
https://www.facebook.com/semiconductorwave | |
https://www.instagram.com/semiconductorwave |